Thompson House – accommodation for those leaving prison


Thompson House in Belfast offers hostel and bed-sit accommodation to men who need supported housing when they are leaving prison. Prison chaplains originally identified the need for this service, which we provide in partnership with the Probation Board for Northern Ireland. Over the last fourteen years 1,200 men have been assisted in this way.
W.J. Thompson House has been in operation since 1984. The main hostel offers support to eleven male adult offenders. In January 1994 the adjoining property known as "The McCormick Suite" was opened and offers individual semi-independent bed-sits to an additional eight offenders.
Thompson House aims to cater, on a cross-community basis, for residents aged eighteen years and over.
The objective of the hostel is to meet the needs of the residents - physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually.
Eight fulltime and two part-time permanent staff provide residents with practical help and counselling, preparing them for independent living. They are supplemented by a volunteer, a cook and a domestic.
Referrals are received from all agencies, the majority coming from the Probation Board. All prospective residents are interviewed to establish their suitability for residency.